Program purpose

Kristin Nankervis
Kristin Nankervis
  • Updated


In this module, we'll walk you through the key decisions involved in launching a mentoring program. Whether your program is already up and running or you're preparing to launch a new initiative, this video will help ensure your program's long-term success by aligning it with your organization's objectives.

By the end of this module, you'll understand:

  • The basics of running a program
  • Key questions and decisions to consider
  • Common examples of program goals

Defining your program's purpose


Mentoring programs can serve a variety of purposes. No matter what stage your program is at, it's important to take the time to establish or review its purpose by answering the following questions:

  1. Why are you starting or running a mentoring program?
  2. Who is the program for?
  3. How will the program benefit participants?
  4. How will the program advance your organization's objectives?

Use your answers to to guide you in designing and running the rest of your program - starting by completing the worksheet on page 6 of the Mentoring Program Toolkit.


In the next module, you'll learn about the different types of programs. 

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