Refreshing your mentoring program cohort, particularly after a period of inactivity, ensures mentors and mentees are engaged and keen to participate.
Remove Participants
Filter down to e.g. participants who haven’t been active in the mentoring program in the past 6 months, select those users, and remove them. In the Remove participants pop up you’ll have an option to “Allow participants to rejoin the program?”, if you select yes, then these participants will be able to easily rejoin by themselves. If you select no, they’ll need to reach out to you or another PC to request to be manually re-added to the program in future.
Notifying the participants of this change is optional too - if you’ve handled the communications outside of the Mentorloop platform then there’s no need to trigger an email notification using the “Notify participants?” feature.
If you do choose to notify participants, and they’re allowed to rejoin the program, they’ll receive the following email notification:
Participant Experience
If you allow participants to re-join, then the next time they log in to the mentoring program they’ll see this screen, providing them the opportunity to rejoin:
Once they select “Rejoin program”, they’ll be prompted to review and update their profile - to ensure that all participant data is up to date for the next launch of your program.
Alternatively, they can select “x Remove program from my list” which will mean they can no longer access the program to rejoin. If they want to rejoin in future, they’ll need to reach out to the Program Coordinator or another PC to request to be manually re-added to the program.