Closed loops become "Read only"
If your mentoring match has been removed from Mentorloop or your loop has been closed, you can still view your conversation with them, however you will no longer be able to engage in the conversation.
This is what we call a "read-only" loop:
What to do if your loop was closed unexpectedly
If your loop was closed unexpectedly, we understand why this can be confusing or frustrating. However, try not let this dishearten you. There is likely a good explanation as to why this is the case. For example, your mentor/mentee may have left the organisation or something has come up which meant they're no longer able to take part in mentoring suddenly. Whatever the case, there are things you can do to get your mentoring experience back on track:
- Share your feedback via the Closed-Loop survey that will be sent to you
- Message your Program Coordinator to let them know what's happened or seek help with finding a new match
- Or, if you have self-match enabled on your program, use the Find a match page to request a new mentor/mentee