Can I see inside conversation Loops?

Georgia Pascoe
Georgia Pascoe
  • Updated

Mentorloop conversations within a Loop are a private discussion visible only by the participants of that Loop. As such, you as a Program Coordinator are not permitted to view the discussion between a Mentor and Mentee in a Loop, nor a discussion between multiple parties in a Group Loop if you are not a member of that Group Loop. This is by design, as these conversations are of a private nature.

If you would like to participate and or "listen in" to a discussion, you could consider creating a Group Loop and adding yourself as a participant. In this way you would be a member of the Loop and be privy to the discussion taking place within.

To help manage the program and identify if any matches are not working well you can, as a Program Coordinator, view a simplified log detailing at which times conversation took place, and of what nature. I.e. a message or file was sent, or even if a calendar event was booked. However, to reiterate the above, you can not see the contents of these discussion - by design, as they are private in nature. Even Mentorloop staff can not view the contents of these discussions.

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