You can sort and filter your participants into specific groups of people. Follow the steps below to filter your participants.
Log in to Mentorloop
Click Participants on the left navigation bar
Click on 'Search or Filter' drop down list to select the field you want to filter by
Once you select the field, click the specific option you need and then click ‘apply’.
You can add as many filters as you want. As you add filters, you will see them above the search bar.
How do filters work?
You can filter program participants based on:
Profile fields: all questions asked in your program sign up form (i.e. gender, department, location, years of work experience, working style, areas of expertise, etc.)
Program activity: number of active loops, goals, sign up date, last activity date etc.
For some case studies on how to use filters see here.
How can I save my filters?
Follow the steps below to save your filters:
Begin filtering for participants as instructed above
Click the save button just above the filters and you will be prompted to give your saveable/favourite filter a name.
This will now be a saved filter which you can access in 'Filters' on the right hand side.
There are also pre-made filters that are useful for most programs which are under the 'Mentorloop Filters'.
Types of filters
Multi-select: select more than one option. Common examples include mentoring role, gender, office location, department.
Single-select: select only one option. Common examples include number of active loops, draft loops, goals and participant status.
Date: select a date range. Common examples include date participant signed up to program and last known activity date.
Free text: these are filters that bring data from open ended fields, such as name.
Search bar: not only can you select defined filters, you can also search for any free text in a participant’s profile. Just type a key work you want to filter by. For example, if you want to have a list of all people who have manager in their Mentorloop profile, type ‘manager’ into the search bar.
How to filter your participants and saved those used filters