To assist with managing your mentoring program, each section on the left-hand side of the page has different functions that you can use. In today's video, we will focus on demonstrating a few example case studies on filters and how it can be used to manage your program.
You can filter program participants based on:
- Profile fields: all questions asked in your program sign up form (i.e. gender, department, location, years of work experience, working style, areas of expertise, etc.)
- Program activity: number of active loops, goals, sign up date, last activity date etc., which may vary based on which page you are on.
Participant Filtering
Finding 'Eithers' who are:
- Currently a mentee, and not a mentor
- currently a mentee,
- currently a mentor
Video Example:
Self Match Filtering
For programs that have Self Match, you can manage requests from participants and ensure that mentors/mentees are responding to a request to connect in a timely manner.
- Change Request status filter to pending
Loops Filtering
Understand the number of mentoring connections that have been created via Self Match compared to those that have been manually match by either yourself or using the Mentorloop Algorithm
Sentiment Filtering
Keep track of your participants' experience within the Sentiment page and filter for the lower rated responses in order to identify who might need help
Goals Filtering
Understand the types of goals your participants are working towards so that you can provide extra resources or even host relevant information sessions to help them achieve success!