Self Matching on Mentorloop

Janina Mercado
Janina Mercado
  • Updated

The Self Match feature is participant-driven and empowers your mentors and mentees to find and request their own mentoring connections.

How Self Match works

Self Match appears for participants as 'Find New Matches' on the left sidebar. Here they can learn more about each other based off the (public) answers each participant provided when they originally filled out the sign up form.

  • Once a participant finds a mentor or mentee they would like to connect with, they can invite that person to connect in a Loop.

  • If the responder agrees to the match, a Loop is then created. If the responder declines the match, no Loop is created.

To see the participants view as a Program Coordinator, navigate to the Program settings where you will be able to preview Self Match.  You can then understand how it works for mentors and mentees as you are able to demo the experience. 


Enable Self Match 

As a Program Coordinator, you can activate the self-match from your Program settings.   

How Match requests are managed

  • Automatic reminders are sent to respondents who haven't yet accepted or declined, 7 days after the request has been made. The reminder will encourage them to respond and notify them that, in 7 days time, we will close out the request if they don't action it.

  • If a match request has not been responded to after 14 days, it will automatically be closed out and the requester will be notified.

  • Within your Program settings, you can set a limit on the number of Pending match requests a participant can make at any one time. It only applies to requests from the participants, and does not include Accepted, Declined and Cancelled requests. Changing this value will not impact any currently open requests.

How to cancel pending Self Match requests

  • If you'd like to close off a pending request for a participant, head to the Self-Match Activity page.

  • Hover over the pending request in question, click on the check box on the side and click the 'x' indicating you want to cancel the pending request.

  • You can then send an optional message to the requester (via your Program Coordinator loop) letting them know why you've made this change. Please note an email is sent to the requester letting them know the request has been closed off regardless of the optional message being sent.

VIDEO: Types of Matching

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