The Mentorloop Goal-Setting Framework

Georgia Pascoe
Georgia Pascoe
  • Updated

The Mentorloop goal-setting framework can assist you in establishing the type of goals you are looking to set and ensuring they are practical and useful for you.

Figure Out Your Goals

For about 5 minutes, do a brainstorm/mind-dump of all short, medium and long term goals that come to your mind- anything and everything! 

Look through, curate, and prioritise the goals you wish to add onto your goals page on your Mentorloop dashboard. 

Create Three Types of Goals

There are three different types of goals that you are able to identify: Habit-Forming, Reach and Stretch goals. 

Habit-forming goals

  • Goals that you would like to see become habitual behaviours
  • It takes between 21-60 days to form a habit
  • Goals that are to be set between 4-8 weeks

Reach goals

  • These are goals that will require you to take significant steps to 'reach'
  • Goals may take between 3 to 12 months to achieve 

Stretch Goals

  • These goals that are out of reach for you right now but are very aspirational
  • Goals may take between 2 to 5 years to achieve

Create Three Phases of Each Goal

Phase 1: Take the step. Get out of your comfort zone and make it easy to achieve!

For example:

  • Register for 2 networking events
  • Register a website domain
  • Download meditation app
  • Come up with a morning routine

Phase 2: The meat of the goal, the main action phase. 

For example:

  • Set a meeting with two executives
  • Build a working version of a website
  • Meditate for 10 minutes everyday
  • Follow new morning routine every weekday

Phase 3: Home Stretch. Close the goal and unlock new potential goals! 

For example:

  • Send emails to the people you've met at networking events. 
  • Begin blogging on your new website
  • Maintain your meditation habit
  • Maintain your morning routine

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