Program Coordinator Dashboard FAQs

Janina Balatbat
Janina Balatbat
  • Updated

Frequently Asked Questions 

How can I invite new participants?

You can continue to invite new participants to your mentoring program by sharing the link that can be found in your settings. All you need to do is select Managevia your dashboard > Settings. A Program Coordinator can invite participants to join by emailing participants the link or from simply sharing the registration link. 

Why can't I see any data in the Participants and Matching charts? 

If you have just started your mentoring program, you might find that your dashboard is not populating information in the charts, this will be because you do not have any participants. Consider checking your Signups tab to see if participants have completed their registration and verified their emails. 

Participants need to fully complete their registration form and successfully verified their email in order to be populated in the Participants chart

Why is the 'Sentiment' chart important?

Sentiments keep a pulse on your program's engagement as it provides real time feedback. You remove the need to manually create, send and follow up on surveys as you receive this feedback straight onto your dashboard! This chart enables you to steer your program in the right direction as you get an understanding of your participants' experience!

How can I learn more about the attributes of my mentoring cohort? 

If you're looking for more information on your mentoring cohort such as their Location, Goals, Department etc. navigate to the ManageParticipants tab and filter for these options. Once done, you can see the total number of participants that have chosen that specific attribute (e.g. Location is Melbourne).

What can I do with "Highlights"?

Highlights allow you to catch-up on what has been happening with your program in real-time. There are multiple ways a Program Coordinator can use this to enhance the management of their program! 

  • Gathering feedback - As the highlights involve survey responses and snippets of your mentoring program, a Program Coordinator can use this to provide quick updates to share with stakeholders or to use it as marketing material for new participants
  • Spot your Mentoring Champions - The highlights can show you who were the first participants to join your program or who were the first loops. It could be used as a way to spot those mentoring champions and reach out to see how they are getting on. 

How can I export a PDF report? 

Simply navigate to your Program Coordinator Dashboard and at the top of the page, there should be an option to Create Report. 

Keep in mind that the PDF report is best downloaded via Chrome 



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