Inviting participants to join your program is easier than ever.
- Invite participants in bulk to join your program and import key profile information to provide a seamless onboarding experience.
- Copy your unique invitation link
Bulk Invite
Your participants will receive an email containing your unique sign-up link to join your program.
Learn more about bulk invites.
Copy invitation link
The link to your Signup form can be found in your program settings. Copy your unique signup link that will let people sign up for your program. Only share it with people you want to join the program.
Suggest a mentor or mentee
Participants already in your program may have someone specific in mind that they'd like to connect with. This feature allows them to suggest a potential mentor or mentee. It can be found at the bottom of a participant's dashboard.
A program coordinator has the final approval for the mentors or mentees that have been suggested by a current participant. They will appear within the Invitations tab waiting for your approval.
Role-specific Signup form
There is also an option to have the sign-up form a mentor, mentee or either specific. You just need to add the following to the end of the Signup form URL:
A role-specific form means that when a new participant clicks on the link, their role will already be selected. Please note that they can still change this.