Mentorloop's Recommended Reading widget is a great way to provide immediate guidance to your Participants based on whether their role as mentor, mentee, or both! Mentorloop will automatically populate this feature with helpful resources for using the platform and getting the most out of mentoring, but you can also update the reading to be more specific to your program and people.
How can I add a new reading?
From the sidebar to the left of your Dashboard, click Recommended reading
Add your own recommended reading and give your new reading a title
Click Link to add the URL of the resources and Apply
To save your changes, make sure to Publish
Feel free to rearrange the order of the recommended readings by clicking on the = icon and dragging it up or down.
Can I use my own links?
You are more than welcome to include your own mentoring content that may be more suited to your Participants and your program!
You can also browse our Recommended Reading for Inspiration.
Can I upload supporting documents/attachments?
At this stage, the feature will only let you upload a link or URL. Files such as word (.doc) or PDFs (.pdf) or images (such as .jpeg or.png) are not yet supported. You can still link to a file if you have it located somewhere your Participants can access, such as Google Drive.
How many Recommended readings can I add?
We allow up to 10 recommended readings.
How often can I update Recommended reading?
You can update the reading list as often as you'd like. You may want to set the content for specific comms around getting started, and then update as your program progresses - it's up to you!
Can I go back to the original reading list?
To revert back to the default reading list for any of the groups, simply delete all the readings in that specific group and it will automatically reset.