Bulk inviting is one of many bulk actions that you can do from your Mentorloop program.
Invite participants in bulk to join your mentoring program. You can also import key information to pre-populate part of their mentoring profile, by downloading the CSV template in your program.
How to invite participants in bulk
1. Navigate to program settings and Invite participants
2. Download the CSV template and input necessary information
There are two CSV files that you can download
- Signup Form Fields CSV - this CSV provides you with the list of available profile fields that are on your sign-up form. For example, mentoring role, job title, department and location.
- Bulk Invite Template CSV - this template can be used to input your participants' details.
Email is the only mandatory field. You can remove field options that are not required.
3. Upload your CSV to Mentorloop
Once uploaded, confirm that your information is correct and add a personal note (optional) before sending your invitation.
Before the system sends out your invitation, it will identify any invalid, duplicates or email addresses that have already been sent to not double up.
A prompt will appear saying that your participants have successfully been invited.
Invitations Tab
To view the status of your invited participants, head over to the Signups page and navigate to Invitations.
You can bulk invite 500 participants at a time. To invite more, just follow the steps again for every increments of 500.
Learn about the capabilities of the Invitation Tab
What do participants receive once invited?
Once your invites have been sent, invitees will receive an email as shown below, with the option to join the program and complete their signup form.
- Participants will be informed if some fields have been filled in by their Program Coordinator
- They can review and edit as needed