Maximise Your Time Using Filters, Tags, and Bulk Actions

  • Updated

Mentorloop has tons of features, like filters, tags, and bulk actions that allow you to manage your program as efficiently as possible. Here are a few tips on how to use those features in tandem to get the very best out of Mentorloop.

Save your often-used filters, then tag

Depending on your program, you’ll need to flag different things. So if you’re using certain filters often, you should save them and then tag the participants who fall under this group. 

Not only does this make it easier for you to keep track of this group of participants, but it also allows you to perform bulk actions, like messaging, for the entire group at once.

Please note that you need a minimum of three filters applied to save filtered views.

Consider turning Self Match on

Even when you have Manual Match on, or are using the Mentorloop algorithm, allowing your participants to find matches for themselves can save you time. 

This can be especially valuable when an initial match doesn’t work out because participants can be proactive and request a new one that they think would work better, which means minimal intervention and admin work from you. 

Familiarise yourself with Bulk Actions

Did you know that most of the stuff you need to do in Mentorloop you can do in bulk?

If you need to do any of the following actions for two or more participants, you can save yourself the aggravation of doing it one by one and just do it for everyone at the same time:

These bulk actions are especially useful when closing or relaunching a program. We also have a Program Management playbook that can assist your interactions and communications with your participants. Save some time and have a read through of our example communications here, perfect for any situation! 

Multiple Program Coordinators? Use tags to your advantage!

We’re all for sharing the load to make program admin easy. But sometimes, it can get a bit confusing who is dealing with what. 

For example, you can tag participants that have had some intervention but need follow-ups with something like “ADMIN1 follow-ups”. This can help all admins make sure they’re not missing anyone or doubling up on communications without having to have a back-and-forth between admins every time someone logs in. 

Another way to do this is by assigning a specific group of participants within the program to each PC. Tags will help each PC find their respective groups, making management easier.

Quick troubleshooting tips

Here are a few quick ways you can use Mentorloop to find who’s disengaged or just not having a great time in your program. You can filter for participants who:

  • Have not met their mentoring partners after a month or so, or whose last activity was over 30-45 days ago
  • Have rated their interactions with 1-2 stars (these participants are the ones who may urgently need your attention and intervention) 
  • Have given 3-star ratings (They may not necessarily be having a bad time but might be lost as to how to move forward)
  • Closed their Loops earlier than expected

From here, you can send these participants a bulk message to offer support - this could be in the form of offering to mediate, finding a better match, or just pointing them to some recommended reading.  

Always remember to ask for feedback at these certain points. It's always good to make sure you're gaining as much insight as you can on how your program is running. This is so you can make improvements for your next round of mentoring! 

Filter for your most recent sign-ups

If you’re running an Always-On program where participants are not on the same timeline, it can be difficult to keep track of who may or may not need support. This is especially crucial at the beginning of the program. 

Filter for recent sign-ups (e.g. joined in the last 2 weeks), to get a quick view of where they are in their journey. Do they already have matches? Have they at least sent match requests?

Use bulk messaging to check on all recent sign-ups in one go and offer a hand if they seem to need assistance. 

Insight on Participant Capacity 

Part of managing your program is to ensure that your participants are connected, which can be challenging if find that your ratio of mentors to mentees may be skewed. As participants now have the option to select their capacity for mentoring and select how many connections they are willing to have, you can use the Maximum matches filter to create more connections. 


The maximum match filter allows you to identify which participants have extra capacity to be connected with another mentee to increase your program match rate!


Filters, tags, and bulk actions are there to make program admin and momentum management easy for all PCs. Using them in tandem is the way to go if you don’t have a lot of time on your hands, but still want to make sure everyone is having a great experience. 


For more on how to manage a program in 30 minutes a week, click here.

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