There are three ways to change who the Program Coordinator is in your mentoring program.
Method 1: Update the details behind the existing Program Coordinator
This is the simplest method to undertake. Simply have the existing PC login and update their name and email to reflect the details of the new PC.
This would allow you to see the correspondence within previous Coordinator loops, so please be aware of this if you choose to pursue this option.
Method 2: Swap Program Coordinator
Whilst an Admin, or Program Coordinator who has Admin rights (see What's the difference between an Admin and a Program Coordinator?), can opt to replace a Program Coordinator - we strongly recommend that you reach out to Mentorloop to help you achieve this, if you prefer not to pursue Method 1 above.
Please reach out to and let us know the name and email of the new PC. We will then swap them. For clarities sake, please understand that the following 2 part process is then undertaken simultaneously when we help initiate this process:
Part 1: Transitioning a PC back to a regular participant:
When a PC becomes a regular participant, we change all the loops they had which were previously Coordinator loops with every single participant in the program to standard loops.
This means each participant essentially acquires a new loop, which is a record of any conversation they may have had with that PC, so please be aware of this if you choose to pursue this option.
Part 2: Transitioning a regular participant to a PC:
We locate a regular participant in your program and make them the PC.
We then look for an active loop (i.e. no draft loops) between all participants in the program (be they invited, active, or suspended), and this new PC - regardless of who is a mentor/mentee.
- If an active loop exists, we change it's type to a Coordinator loop. No change is made as to whether the participant is mentor or mentee.
- If no active loop exists, we create a new Coordinator loop. In this scenario the PC is designated as a mentor. -
The new PC is automatically notified that they have been assigned as Program Coordinator, regardless of which path above takes place.
If the new Program Coordinator does not have a registered email within the Mentorloop platform, they will need to sign up using your existing program's recruitment form.
Method 3: Multiple PC for Enterprise Subscription
As part of the Enterprise package, there can be multiple Program Coordinators under one program. Simply reach out to your dedicated Customer Success Manager and they can help you through this process.
Why should I have multiple Program Coordinators?
We recommend reviewing the Mentorloop Resources for new or changing Program Coordinators to clarify the next steps for them.