Multiple Program Coordinators

Janina Mercado
Janina Mercado
  • Updated

This is only available on the Mentorloop Enterprise package. 

If you have more than one person running your mentoring program, you can assign multiple Program Coordinator roles, using individual email addresses. Having multiple Program Coordinators provides enhanced security by eliminating any need to share login details. You can assist your participants in a safer and more efficient way.

What is the benefit of multiple individual Program Coordinator roles?

  • Eliminate the security risk of sharing passwords, ensuring your accounts and program data are better protected.
  • Allow all people managing your program, to receive necessary notifications and emails (with individual notification preferenes) — managing the program more efficiently and effectively.
  • Increase visibility between Program Coordinators, making things like handovers easy!

You also have the option to update your preferred email frequency via your settings. 

How does this work? 

  • Simply contact your dedicated Mentorloop Customer Success Manager, and provide the details of the additional Program Coordinators to be added to your program. 
  • For new Programs, each Participant will have a group loop with all Program Coordinators on their Program, upon registration. 
  • For existing Programs, your Participants will automatically be placed in a Group Loop with all Program Coordinators on their Program.

What are the different roles available?

Role Description Permissions

Primary Program Coordinator 

This person is in charge of running the day-to-day mentoring program. They cannot be a participant.
  • Manage the program - create loops, remove participants, tag participants, update recommended reading
  • View and download program report and insights
  • Message participants individually or in bulk
  • System emails sign-off from the Primary PC

Additional Program Coordinator

This person is also in charge of running the day-to-day mentoring program. They cannot be a participant.
  • Manage the program - create loops, remove participants, tag participants, update recommended reading
  • View and download program report and insights
  • Message participants individually or in bulk


This is suitable for someone who wants to have visibility over the program but is not directly running the program. Admins can be a mentor or a mentee too.

  • Manage the program - create loops, remove participants, tag participants
  • View and download program report and insights


How can a Program Coordinator or Admin be removed from my Program? 

If a program coordinator needs to be removed, you can reach out to your Customer Success Manager or contact and we can remove them. What happens to Admins on my Program?


How many Program Coordinators can my program have? 

There is no limit to the number of Program Coordinators you can have as we understand some programs have a large number of participants and may need extra assistance. However, we would recommend no more than 5 Program Coordinators.


Who can communicate with participants?

Only the Primary Program Coordinator and additional Program Coordinators have a loop to communicate with participants (either 1:1 or via a Group Loop, depending on the number of Program Coordinators). 


How does a participant communicate with their Program Coordinator(s)? 

Participants have one loop with all Program Coordinators on their program, which will update as you add or remove Program Coordinators.

How many notifications will Program Coordinators get? 

In addition to Mentorloop's system emails, Program Coordinators receive:

  • Monthly Digest Email - summary of how your mentoring program is tracking along
  • Digest Signups - summary of the new signups in your program at the end of the day

If you prefer to receive message notifications from only the participants, as opposed to when other PCs also communicate in the loop, reach out to 


Can I participate as a Program Coordinator?

To participate in your own mentoring program as a mentor or mentee, you will need to register using a different email to your Program Coordinator account. 

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